CSS - volume


The volume property is used for specifying the median volume of the wave form.

Possible Values:

  • number: Any number in the range 0 - 100.
  • percentage: Percentage values are calculated relative to the inherited value of volume, and then clipped to the range 0 - 100 if necessary.
  • silent: No sound should be produced.
  • x-soft: Equivalent to the numeric value 0.
  • soft: Equivalent to the numeric value 25.
  • medium: Equivalent to the numeric value 50.
  • loud: Equivalent to the numeric value 75.
  • x-loud: Equivalent to the numeric value 100.

Applies to:

All the HTML elements

DOM Syntax:



Here is the example:

<style tyle="text/css">
P.goat  { volume: x-soft }

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