CSS - elevation


The elevation property describes the position of a sound source along the vertical axis of the listener's environment.

Possible Values:

  • angle: Angle values are in the range -90deg to 90deg. An angle value of 0deg corresponds to a point which is level with the listener, whereas 90deg corresponds to a point directly above, and -90deg directly below.
  • above: Equivalent to the value 90deg.
  • level: Equivalent to the value 0deg.
  • below: Equivalent to the value -90deg.
  • higher: Causes the sound source to be shifted upwards by 10deg.
  • lower: Causes the sound source to be shifted downwards by 10deg.

Applies to:

All the HTML elements

DOM Syntax:



Here is one example:

<style tyle="text/css">
h1   { elevation: above }
tr.a { elevation: 60deg }
tr.b { elevation: 30deg }
tr.c { elevation: level }


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