CSS2 List Properties

This is a complete reference guide for web developers where haved we listed all the CSS properties related to list defined in the World Wide Web Consortium's Recommended Specification for Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2

Click any property to see its description with examples:

Property Description
list-style Defines list-related styles using any of the values for:
  • list-style-image
  • liststyle-position
  • list-style-type
list-style-image Defines an image to be used as a list item's marker, in lieu of the value for:
  • list-style-type
list-style-position Indents or extends (default) a list item's marker with respect to the item's content
list-style-type Defines a list item's marker either for unordered lists (circle, disc, or square) or for ordered lists (decimal, loweralpha, lower-roman, none, upper-alpha, or upper-roman)

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